Wednesday, April 10, 2024

 I'm about 52K words into writing the current book ("Three Sweet Kisses"). Here is an small part:

As he eased through the thick Columbian jungle the hours slowly passed. He hadn’t seen or heard any of the cartel soldiers all day. According to his map, he was still heading in the right direction. As darkness fell, he found a large tree to sit against, just in case he managed to fall asleep. As he sat there listening to the jungle slowly change its song from daytime to the nocturnal, his mind began to stop focusing so intently on his surroundings. He thought of home, of Kira, his mom, and dad. He imagined what they might be doing at that very moment. He felt his leg and considered how lucky he had been to still be alive. But luck wasn’t the right word. He was blessed. He was not alone. God was watching over him. Perhaps even at this exact moment God was placing a hedge of protection around him, as he drifted off to sleep. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

 I drew a few pictures for the new book today. I am 43K words complete on this new book called “Los Tres Dulce Besos” which means “The Three Sweet Kisses”. 

Meet Shorty. Shorty is a Shetland pony. He loves sweet potatoes. But he does misbehave from time-to-time. 


Then there it Kira. She is sitting on the tailgate of a pickup truck. She is fixing to resolve an issue with a very unpleasant man.