Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Prophet X" update

The eBook publishing machinery is busy (so I am told) cranking out “Prophet X” on the eBook web sites of Apple (iPad), Barnes & Noble (Nook), Sony and more. The eBook should be available, Lord willing, through these websites and more in a few weeks.

I recently made a mistake. Yes, contrary to what you’ve heard, this happens from time-to-time. I only mention it here because it is such a rare occurrence for me. NOT!!!!! Any who; I went to Best Buys and looked at their iPads. The iPad has a huge price tag; I think iTunes is the stupidest, least intuitive interface ever created and Rhonda has had nothing but trouble with her refurbished iPhone. But, Lord help me, the iPad looks Soooooo cool. I even pulled-up the “Prophet X” website on it. I can just see my-self reading eBooks on it and answering Emails on the fly. I suspect that if I can just hang in there a few more weeks and avoid the evil influences of my teckie prone friends, this urge to spend will pass.

I still have many hurtles before me in selling this "Prophet X". First of all I need to verify that it is indeed available via Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble and Sony. Then I’ll need to announce to all my friends the eBooks availability. That’s the current plan.

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